COLIN BROWN: White Lily, Rose and Shiva
Colin Brown's latest paintings collage worlds together. The botanical works of eighteenth-century Belgian artist Pierre-Joseph Redouté, images scraped from walls in Berlin and present-day icons, merge in these popping Pop images.
Brown’s latest three paintings, Felix Rose, Shiva and Sven Vath, are on a large scale which allows his work to have the presence it deserves. Paintings with roots in Pop Art, should be able to make a statement and to hold a room, and these do. Collage in the hands of a master like Brown, combine flashed images, like a dream, which hang together in compositions which always offer more. They are not one thing, a scenic moment, but offer an infinite universe. Numbers, Shiva, an atom and fragments from a wall in Berlin, connect with a balanced deftness in one painting.