MARK EDWARDS: Finding the House Again

1 - 29 June 2024
  • Mark Edwards Finding the House Again
    Mark Edwards
    Finding the House Again, 2022
    acrylic on canvas
    65cm x 80cm
    (84cm x 100cm framed)
    £ 6,750.00
  • Mark Edwards | Two Coats, Three Men and a Balloon
    Mark Edwards
    Two Coats, Three Men and a Balloon, 2022
    acrylic on canvas
    60cm x 60cm
    (79cm x 79cm framed)
    £ 5,350.00
  • Mark Edwards The Way Out
    Mark Edwards
    The Way Out, 2022
    mixed media
    40cm x 40cm
    (59cm x 59cm framed)
  • Stopping at the Wall | MARK EDWARDS
    Mark Edwards
    Stopping at the Wall, 2024
    mixed media
    50cm x 60cm
    (69cm x 79cm framed)
    £ 4,950.00
  • Making Their Way to the Gathering | MARK EDWARDS
    Mark Edwards
    Making Their Way to the Gathering, 2022
    acrylic on canvas
    50cm x 60cm
    (69cm x 79cm framed)
    £ 4,950.00
  • Mark Edwards Last to Leave
    Mark Edwards
    Last to Leave, 2022
    mixed media
    40cm x 40cm
    (59cm x 59cm framed)
    £ 3,200.00
  • First to Arrive Mark Edwards
    Mark Edwards
    First to Arrive, 2022
    mixed media
    50cm x 60cm
    (68.5cm x 79cm framed)
    £ 4,950.00
The real adventure is Edward's freedom to create worlds
Into the White Woods again. Mark Edwards snowy, homburg-hatted paintings draw us in like the plot of a black-and-white film noir. Who are the figures and what goes on in the house? But they are much more than the B movie narrative. Under the coldness of blues and whites is a warm red. Texture, shadows, trees and trains are characters that draw us back again and again, through carefully planned layers of paint. The real adventure is in paint and Edward’s freedom to create worlds. Welcome to another chapter.